We are Immediately hiring for the following Post in all 3 branches Supply Chain Manager /Procurement Manager Qualification:-MBA in Supply Chain Man...
Find prospects and leads Learn details about our products and services Understand all the prospects needs, problems or wants Explain how our sol...
We are looking for an experienced Digital Marketing Executive to assist in the planning, execution and optimization of our online marketing efforts...
Responsibilities for Marketing Specialist Develop, implement, and track marketing programs such as email, social media, or digital campaigns, and...
Social Media Executive Responsibilities * Plans and executes all web, SEO/SEM, database marketing, email, social media, and display advertising...
We are searching for a Marketing Specialist with a minimum of 1 year experience in UAE Real Estate Market. Your goal is to help our company grow by...
Job description Apply Only!! - Industrial, safety, Power tool & MRO product Sales experience from ABU DHABI / Dubai / RAK Location Business...
Duties & Responsibilities: - Promoting the company's offered services - Researching and developing marketing opportunities and plans, underst...
-Must be a graduate of Bachelor’s degree in Sales, Marketing, Advertising or any related field -Should also have a proven work experience as a Sal...
IT Sales with atleast 2-3 years of UAE experience with IT background and with a valid UAE Driving License.