Frequently asked questions

Job Seekers - FAQ

No. Registration is not required to search for jobs, however to apply for jobs, you would need to register and create your GulfJobs Profile.
Yes. You must register as a candidate and create your GulfJobs profile. Then you can apply for jobs.
Yes, in the login screen click one of the social media icon and give permission to login from your social media account.
An email verification will be sent immediately after completing the registration process. If you have not received the email, please check your spam or junk mail folder. If you find it in spam or junk folder, please mark the email as not spam.
Login to your candidate account, then click Dashboard link in the left side menu. Then in the right side below your email address click Resend Verification button.
Click the FORGOT PASSWORD? Link in the candidate login screen and enter your registered email address. The system will send you an email with a link to reset the password.
Login to your candidate account, then click Change Password link the left side menu. There you can change your password.
First register yourself as a candidate then fill as much information about your personal, education, previous experiences, skills and upload your latest cv.
Login to your candidate account, then click My Job Applications link the left side menu. There you can see all the jobs you applied with their status with employer actions.
Your information will not be shared with or sold to any third parties and will only be accessible by Employers and Recruitment agencies who might need to contact you for job and career related opportunities.
Login to your candidate account, then click Edit Profile link the left side menu. Then goto Profile Visibility section and select Hidden. Then click update.
Login to your candidate account, then click Edit Profile link the left side menu. Then goto Profile Visibility section and select Deactivate. Then click update.
Login to your candidate account, then click My Job Alerts link the left side menu. There you can add new alert or remove the existing one.
Login to your candidate account, then click My Job Alerts link the left side menu. There you can remove the alerts.

Employers - FAQ

Yes. You must register as an employer and create your GulfJobs profile. Then you can post jobs.
You can view or download resumes in Manage Jobs, CV Database Search, Viewed Candidates, and Saved Candidates sections.

Manage Jobs:
  • Goto company menu then click Manage Jobs link then you would see all the jobs posted by you.
  • Under each job click Job Applications to view all the candidates who have applied to your job.
  • In the candidates list click the candidate name or click the 3 dots menu next to name to see the options to view or download the CV.
  • Once you viewed or downloaded the CV then it will be saved under viewed candidates folder.

CV Database Search:
  • Click CV SEARCH in top menu to search candidates in resume database.
  • You must purchase a CV access package to take any action.
  • In the candidates list click the candidate name or click the 3 dots menu next to name to see the options to view or download the CV.
  • Once you viewed or downloaded the CV then it will be saved under viewed candidates folder.

Viewed Candidates
  • Goto company menu then click Viewed Candidates link to see all the candidates you have viewed already.

Saved Candidates
  • Goto company menu then click Saved Candidates link to see all the candidates you have viewed saved in custom folders.
Goto candidate listing page and click 3 dots menu next to candidate name and then click Save to Folder link. It will open a popup where you can specify an exisitng folder or create a new folder then click save.
You resume view credit will be deducted only if you open a candidate profile or download or save to folder from CV Search Database section.

If the candidate is already viewed then your credit will not be deducted.

If you view or download or save to folder a candidate from Manage Jobs section then your credit will not be deducted.

If you view or download a candidate from Viewed Candidates and Saved Candidates section then your credit will not be deducted.

Goto candidate listing page and click 3 dots menu next to candidate name then select Send Email Candidate link then it will open a popup where you can specify the subject and content and then click Send.


If you purchased a Free Job Posting package then you are not allowed to send email to applicants.

If you purchased a Paid Job Posting package then you can send email to all candidates who have applied to your job.

If you purchased a Resume Database package then 1 email credit will be deducted for every email you send to candidate.
Your free job posting credits are valid for one month. If you used all your free credits you can only purchase another free job posting credits after the expiry date of the free subscription. Note: You can buy free subscription only 3 times after that you can buy paid subscription.
The following are the features for the paid job posting package.

  • Job posting valid for 60 days.
  • View/download all applicants CV.
  • Save candidates to folder.
  • Send email to all candidates who applied for your job.
  • Update notes for each candidate.
The following are the limitations in free job posting package.

  • Job posting valid for 30 days only.
  • Cannot save candidates to folder.
  • Cannot send email to candidates who applied for your job.
  • Cannot update notes for candidates.
You can save the candidate in a folder for future reference. When you view or download CV from saved candidate folder your resume credits will not be deducted.
Goto company menu then click Subscriptions & Billing link then you would see all the packages you subscriped with remaining credit details.
Goto company menu then click Subscriptions & Billing link. Then click Billing tab there you would see all the invoices and click the print button to preview & print.
The recommeded CVs are generated by our AI tool based on your job requirements and criteria. You need a CV database access subscription to view those CVs.
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