We are looking for a Beauty Specialist to present, promote and sell a wide range of beauty products, including hair products, cosmetics and skin ca...
We are hiring for Sales Representative position Under the designation as CRO Client Relation Officer position. Work location: Al Reem Island,...
Find prospects and leads Learn details about our products and services Understand all the prospects needs, problems or wants Explain how our sol...
• Adjust guides and stops to control depths and widths of cuts • Cut, shape, and trim materials, such as textiles, food, glass, stone, and metal,...
We are hiring Filipino Graphic designer. Specialty in in Garments (e.i Sports Jersey)
We are hiring for a sales executive with experience in a printing press Abu Dhabi UAE. For those who has an experience can apply. Preferred Nationa...
We are looking for a Branch Manager for our retail shop located in Al Rawdah, Abu Dhabi - Must be available to start immediately! Preferrably FILIP...
Paint fingernails and toenails Clean, cut and shape nails Recommend colors, rhinestones and designs based on each customer’s style Remove previo...
Greet customers. Check for stock at other branches or order requested stock for customers. Provide customers with information about items. Ring...
The Spare part advisor responsible for sale and delivery of parts and accessories. Assesses needs, takes orders, and checks out customers. that co...