Job Description The Cheese-Epicurean Specialist first and foremost is responsible for guest relations and satisfaction. He/She will provide gu...
Experience in customer services roles in the Destination Management / travel and tourism industry. Good product knowledge Should have excellent s...
We are looking for a Beauty Specialist to present, promote and sell a wide range of beauty products, including hair products, cosmetics and skin ca...
Find prospects and leads Learn details about our products and services Understand all the prospects needs, problems or wants Explain how our sol...
We are hiring for a sales executive with experience in a printing press Abu Dhabi UAE. For those who has an experience can apply. Preferred Nationa...
We are looking for a Branch Manager for our retail shop located in Al Rawdah, Abu Dhabi - Must be available to start immediately! Preferrably FILIP...
The Spare part advisor responsible for sale and delivery of parts and accessories. Assesses needs, takes orders, and checks out customers. that co...
Get Quick interview response on WhatsApp so send your CV on +*** ( Do not call) .Required Bachelor degree/diploma, Minimum 2 years sales/Canada/Eur...
.Drives sales through engagement of customers .Suggestive selling, and sharing product knowledge. .Greets and receives customers in a welcoming...
We are looking for a part time outdoor sales representative prefer with Medical Field Experience in UAE is responsible for maximizing the sales of...